If you live in the south...You know what time of year it is!
What better way to enjoy this spring weather than to throw a "low country boil"! Below is a small checklist for you to throw the perfect Crawfish Boil! The best thing about crawfish? It's the main course, nothing else, a fuss-free menu!
1) Invitations/Themes:Pick out the perfect invitation from FRESH INK, we have several styles to choose from! Invitations run, on average, $11.50 for a pack of 10(non-printed). Send them out no later than 2 weeks ahead!(we carry invites that are suitable for a boy's graduation (crawfish) party, a couples tool shower, a neighborhood party in your back yard..to name a few)
2)Menu:Decide whether you are going to cook your crawfish, or order them pre-cooked. (if you know of a "chef"...part of the atmosphere, is watching the crawfish cook) Crawfish cost anywhere from $2.15-$2.40/lb uncooked. $3.50/lb cooked (depending on your source). Count on the average person eating 5lbs. (don't forget to add the corn, potatoes, sausage, or mushrooms, depending on your likes)
3)Tables:Once you have found the location....Decide if you want to have a large table that your friends can gather around (this can be made by having a large piece of plywood cut and held up by sawhorses, cut a huge hole in the center and have an industrial sized trash can beneath it, to catch the tails. You can cover the plywood with disposable table cloths, but you will need to allow the center to be open for your discards. Or, you can use several 6 ft tables and provide trays for your guests. TABLE CLOTH IDEAS:Cover your tables in newspaper, and then buy a roll of clear vinyl at your local fabric store and cover the newspaper. This will give your table an authentic look, yet easy to wipe off when you use the vinyl.
4) Materials needed:Crawfish are SPICY! Make sure you have enough cold beverages to quench that spicy thirst! Also, load up on plenty of paper towels, sprinkle paper towel rolls around the tables...Eating crawfish is a messy process....no forks allowed!
5)Decorations:You are crazy if you think this type of party deserves tulips or some fancy arrangement....That is all part of the relaxing atmosphere of a low-country-boil. Play some zydeco tunes, pass out bibs, string up white lights..its all about good friends, spicey cajun crawfish,and cold beverages soaking in galvenized tubs. Remember...FUSS FREE!
Bring in a copy of this post and receive 10% off of any of our in stock crawfish invitations. good april 7th-april 11th 2009
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