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Soccer Games, Fall Festivals, Carpool? Tennis Practice, Money Due, Swim School!
Karate, Picture Day, Ballet? Spirit Day, Pep-Rally, "Wear Red on Friday"!
Civic Meetings, Husband Out of Town, Thursday...Child must come dressed as a ...clown? Pay the Light Bill, Wash Uniform.... DANG!! I'm late on Sending in that Registration Form! Pick Up Cleaners, New Football Cleats, Don't forget to Reserve Those Seats!Home Game/Away Game.... Thank You Notes, Mani-cure, Get a Sitter for this year's FIND-A-CURE, Appointment To Cut My Hair, Bake a Cake for the Annual Fall Fair! Mistletoe, Nephew's 1st Ball Game... (and,I HAVE TO GO!) Birthday Parties on Saturday, Teach the Toddler Class on Sunday.......Bible Study on Monday. Book Report due.............IS THIS YOU??
No one said being a woman was easy! But making your life organized will make you feel more in control. Take a look at these Monogrammed calendars, keep this on your fridge for the whole family to see, or on your desk. Shorten your paper trail, lose the sticky notes,and transfer every date to this fashionable calendar. (shown above)
What's for Dinner???
Meals should nourish you, not torture you! If organizing mealtime turns you into PAULA MEAN.....instead of Paula Dean....Try picking up one of our On The Menu note pads. Its an easy way to jot down your list of groceries, recipes, and chart out your meals, so that 5 pm doesn't haunt you all day.
Bring in a copy of this post to Fresh Ink and receive 10% off of one of these items. Offer good 9/22/09-9/29/09